DCOPY Version 3.01 September 21, 1988 I have been using Dcopy since the first day that I found it on one of the bbs's that I call. The few bugs in it kept nagging at me, so I decided to take it up on myself to disassemble the program and try to fix what I could. The following represents most of the 'visable' changes that I have made to the program. If you know of any more that needs to be fixed then drop me a line. I had hoped that Ralph Walden would get interested in the ST world again, but I am afraid he has gone on to other things. 1. The Packing bug has been fixed! Dcopy will now pack a file properly. Version 1.91 would only write out the first 26 bytes of the packed file. 2. The program will not go 'crazy' if you ask it to arc a file that is not there or an empty folder (or mispelled one). 3. The format routines have been completely rewritten and now supports (invisibly) the Mega rom format. The Mega rom format will only work if you have the new roms installed in your machine. 4. The copy disk functions have been completely rewritten and now will copy any format disk (non copy protected) without any problems. The previous version would not do extended (10 sector per track) sector disks. Note that Dcopy reads the information on the source disk and will format the destination disk accordingly. It does not do any checking to the destination disk first to find out if it is already formatted properly. 5. The mouse should behave properly now and the standard GEM file selector box can be used now! (Promise this time). 6. A bug in the delete folder command that caused the system to crash if used a couple of times has been fixed. 7. The buffer routines have been made 'legal' now. 8. The Undo key has been made a quick exit. 9. A bug in the delete file within an ARC file has been fixed. This only showed up if you were using the item selector box. 10. A bug in the buffer routines has been fixed and now any size file can be arc'd or extracted no matter how small the 'free memory' buffer is. This makes it very nice to run from within programs such as ST-Talk Professional which only allocate a fixed amount of memory to external programs from. Many thanks to Keith Gerdes for finding and fixing that very elusive critter. 11. A new command has been added to the alternate menu. It is the -S command and is used when you want to store a file to a new or existing ARC file. This is the same as 'A'dd without compaction. 12. A new feature has been added to the 'T'ype command. You are now prompted to continue to search for a word after it has been found within the text. 13. When using the program in the PRG mode Dcopy now remembers the path you were last in. The prior versions (1.99c and before) had problems with this...sorry, but I think I got it fixed this time! Version 3.01 corrects a small bug that would only occur if you used the cancel button the first time thru on the item selector box. (Was setting my flag at the wrong place!). 14. When you are viewing a text file, you are now given the option to print the file. This could only be done before if Dcopy was ran as a TOS/TTP file because it looks for a '-' as the print flag, which can not be typed into the file selector box. If you would like to leave me a message or have any comments about what I have done, I can be reached on the following systems.. GEnie Floppy Wizard BBS L.NOVAK (713) 827-8041